Need your case ready fast? We craft your personalized docments within just 1 month.
Present your documents in a professional way
Your career path is quite intensive, you was committed, contributed significantly to your employer or own business. You worked in different places, you managed various projects. Which ones to highlight? Which ones deserve its place in your case? How to disclose your professional contributions in a most compelling yet credible way? That's what our team is best at.
Writing services for EB1A, EB2 NIW visas
Talent Eleveate works as professional writer, editor connecting all the documents about your professional achivemenets in one consistent narrative backed.
Business Plans
Receive thoroughly developed business plans which demonstrate your advance research, comittment and background.
Writing services for competitive applications and proposals
Writing services for competitive applications and proposals are ideal for individuals seeking grants, scholarships, or admission to highly competitive programs.
What we don't do
1. We do not provide legal advise. You are welcome to consult with an attorney of your choice, and we can assist you once you've made your decision and have discussed your options with your legal representative. 2. We do not create fabricated or misleading cases. All content is based solely on your genuine achievements, supported by verifiable evidence. 3. We do not offer artificial PR tactics or inflate your profile. Our focus is on presenting your authentic professional journey with integrity and clarity.
Talent Elevate team can offer tailored approach to your needs
Every case is unique. Every talent has gone through a unique path. We will make sure that its reflected not only in your case but also in the way you can collaborate with us.
DIY option
Regular reviews based on the timeline
Evidence review
Advices to enhance your case
Standard Application Assistance
Evidence sufficiency check
Recommendation letters drafting
Statement letter drafting
Review of the case
Tailored advice
3 business days